Sunday, August 8, 2021

How to fix an unhealthy relationship? 8 ways to fix an unhealthy relationship

Relationships also need trust and affection with love to thrive. Here are some key points to make any weak and unhealthy relationship stronger and healthier

How to fix an unhealthy relationship?

The rising rate of broken relationships shows that, nowadays, we prefer to break away from the relationship rather than improve it. 

Man is a very complex creature, and his life circumstances and problems are even more complex. Our relationships suffer the most because of the busy routine of life. When communication and connection are broken then of course distances begin to form between relationships.

In our busy lives, we don't have enough time to focus on improving our weak and broken relationships, as a result of which many relationships often don't last long. Lack of communication and for not spending time together can lead to misunderstandings in the relationship. And these misunderstandings are toxic to our relationship.

After all the effort to start a standard relationship, it seems like the whole thing is over when you start dating someone. However, a healthy relationship is like a living thing that breathes. It needs constant care and attention to grow and develop. To achieve lasting happiness, think of relationships as lasting projects, encourage love and emotion, and try to deal with the problems that arise in the relationship.

Every human being should know the importance of relationships. For mental health and peace of mind, a person needs to pay attention to their relationships and try to keep them in order or try to move on without giving more time to the tangled and broken relationship.

Once a relationship is established, the beauty, strength, and sustainability of that relationship depend on both parties. First of all, it is important to understand that no relationship can run on one shoulder. Because no human being can walk with the burden of an intimate relationship.

There may be differences between two people over a single thing or issue that should be resolved quickly rather than kept in mind for too long. If you are in a similar situation, this health report based on "feelings and emotions" can be somewhat helpful.

Here are 8 tips suggested by psychologists to improve a weak and unpleasant relationship:

1- Give time to your relationship

Give time to each other and talk to resolve the tangled relationship, instead of keeping the conflict in your heart, express it openly, express your opinion and listen to your partner's opinion. And try to resolve your disputes through dialogue instead of dragging them out. Sometimes misunderstandings in the heart give rise to doubts about the relationship, which over time become a strong tree whose roots extend deep inside us. We should try to solve our problems by talking to each other before we grow this tree of doubts in our relationship.

2- Learn to forgive each other

There is no doubt that "man is prone to sin."  No human being is perfect in this world. Every human being makes mistakes. The biggest reason any relationship breaks down is that we don't forgive each other, and end our relationship by making small mistakes.

To make any relationship long-lasting, it is important to learn to forgive each other and start ignoring small mistakes of each other.

3- Learn to admit your mistakes

Learn to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. Sometimes because of our ego, instead of apologizing to our partner for our mistake, we hope that he will treat us as before.

But mistakes always have their effect. And if these mistakes are not apologized for, the relationship of trust between the two partners begins to weaken.

4- Share each other's problems

Sometimes we go so far into the selfishness that we don't even try to understand our partner's concerns. All we need is attention and love for ourselves. And when we don't get that all, we break up with our partner for no reason.

Sometimes you should forget yourself and try to understand your partner's behavior what are the issues behind his behavior? Both partners should try to understand each other's problems and worries and focus on solving these problems and worries together. 

5- Give value to each other's priorities

A relationship is made up of two different people. And both have different personalities and different preferences. Every person's thinking is unique. I don't think any relationship is strong unless both partners learn to respect each other's thinking.

Both partners should try to understand each other's priorities, and help each other to meet those priorities. One partner should not put his preferences above the other. Respecting each other's wishes and priorities greatly reduces the chances of a conflict.

6- Accept your responsibilities and try to fulfill them

Accept your responsibilties

The sustainability and strength of any relationship depend on both partners. Both partners should gladly accept their responsibilities. And they should try their best to fulfill these responsibilities.

For example, the two partners in the car of life have an equal responsibility to carry out their responsibilities in the journey of life so that their journey is pleasant and there is no misunderstanding. 

If the man is sitting in the driver's seat, it is the woman's job to take care of the rest of the journey. She should open the lid of the water bottle, and also look after the children. Sharing responsibilities with each other makes life's journey pleasant.

7- Respect and encourage each other

It has been heard many times that one of the major reasons for the weakening of many relationships is that the two partners do not respect each other. No relationship can be lasting based on love alone. Respect and encouragement in every relationship help to nurture the relationship.

If your partner makes even the slightest effort to please you, encourage him, praise him and his work. Respect each other so that people also respect your relationship.

8- Take care of each other's needs

When two people are in a relationship, then both of them are responsible for each other. Both partners should share their responsibilities and try their best to fulfill their responsibilities and take care of each other's needs according to their responsibilities.

For example,

If a man goes out to work, he should take care of all the needs of his wife, and if a woman takes care of the house, she should take care of all the needs of her husband. Islam has made a complete code of conduct in this regard in which men and women have been given equal rights. In Islam, a woman is called the queen of the house and she is only given the responsibilities of taking care of the house, while a man is commanded to earn. So that he can earn and meet the needs of his family. In this way the journey of life becomes beautiful.

A piece of advice 😇


Every human being is a combination of flaws and strengths and relationships are strengthened when their flaws are ignored, and they should be adopted as they are. This is the key to making any relationship lasting and strong. Because no human being in the world is complete and perfect.

Therefore, everyone who wants peace and harmony in life should learn to adapt to all situations. Instead of just looking for faults in each other, they should develop gentleness, patience, peace, and the ability to understand others. 

Mutual cooperation and collaboration are very important in relationships and their lack makes relationships weak and meaningless.

The key is to fully accept the relationship, especially in married life, to understand each other, tolerate, cooperate with each other, and ignore each other's mistakes.

Problems happen everywhere in every home, but instead of blaming each other for these problems, these problems should be addressed, otherwise, the problems become more serious, which creates tensions and distances in relationships and cause mental distress to human beings. Therefore, Instead of fighting, screaming, and slandering each other, matters should be resolved with wisdom, gentleness, love, and harmony.

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