Saturday, May 22, 2021

How to deal with uncertainty in life?

What is uncertainty?

Uncertainty in life

Sometimes we feel like everything is out of control. And in the deep sea of ​​life, we have become like a swaying boat. In such a situation, we should open the window of our minds, and reconsider our way of thinking.

Sometimes our circumstances leave us in a state of uncertainty, and we have difficulty making the right decisions about ourselves. But choosing one way out of these different circumstances is the key to our success.

When we make a decision about a job, or when we choose one of the different things, we often get confused, and this confusion causes uncertainty in our lives.

Uncertainty brings conflict and confusion in life, and man cannot focus on any specific task. Uncertainty is a part of life. The human mind is so strange that when we are not sure about the things that are coming our way, we either fight or get frustrated and start thinking about changing our path. It puts pressure on us and affects our mental and physical health.

To deal with any kind of uncertainty, we must try to change our thinking and stick to our chosen path while adhering to our decisions.

Only a few rules need to be adopted to deal with uncertainty. By making these rules a part of your life, you can be content and calm, and continue to strive for success. You must read this article to know these rules.

How to deal with uncertainty?

Uncertain conditions

1- Practice self-compassion

Uncertainty also raises a lot of emotions. It sometimes makes us anxious, frustrated, and depressed. We try to cope with these feelings in the hope of feeling better, but in the end, we feel worse.

Understand that you are just a human being, and sometimes it is normal to be overwhelmed by uncertainty due to different emotions. Instead of looking away from your feelings, try to understand your feelings. Write down your thoughts or talk to someone about your situation. Once you let go of your emotions, you will feel much lighter and will be able to think better.

Instead of pushing yourself under the rubble of emotions, remove this rubble slowly, and each time the rubble is removed, your thinking will become clearer. And you will better understand your preferences.

2- Keep your thinking positive

Sometimes before we start any new work, our mind is entangled in different kinds of thoughts. Most of these thoughts are negative about whether we will succeed in our goal or not.

Many of us suffer from uncertainty because of these negative thoughts. And under the influence of this uncertainty, we are not able to work effectively.

Before starting any work, you should free your mind from all kinds of negative thoughts, and focus only on the positive aspects so that you can fully focus on your goals.

3- Talk to yourself

Many times in life we ​​face uncertainty. Many times we come to a place where we are not satisfied with our work but feel confused from all sides. In such situations, we should take the time to talk to ourselves, and ask ourselves a few questions,

  •  Is my work guiding me in my decisions or not?
  •  Am I satisfied with my decision and the way I work?
  •  Is there any practical justification for my confusion or is it just my delusion?

People can examine their own condition in a much better way. And our own analysis of our thinking, and actions can be an accurate and one hundred percent answer to our uncertainty.

4- Get guidance from people you trust

There is no doubt that sincere, and trustworthy people can be a great source of guidance. If we ever encounter uncertainty, we should look for sincere and trustworthy people around us and talk to them about our difficulties and uncertainties.

Instead of isolating yourself in distress after facing any kind of trouble, you should discuss it with the trustworthy and sincere people in your life. Sometimes we are afraid to take any next step because of our uncertainty. But taking guidance from sincere and trustworthy friends helps us a lot.

5- Don't dwell on different options

To be successful in your life, you must focus on one goal at a time and not rely on different options. Sometimes our mind is surrounded by different ideas, and we try to select the best idea, but after selecting any idea, we get confused again. And we want to select another idea. But in doing so, we do not succeed in any one idea.

That's why we should try to choose one idea and keep trying to succeed in it, and try to not dwell on different ideas.

6- Be committed to your tasks

Uncertainty can be overcome when you are fully committed to your decision. But here the question arises, what is the commitment?

Being committed to a task means that you create a routine to ensure your goals. This means understanding that there may be some discomfort in the beginning, but that discomfort is necessary for lasting relief.

When you are truly committed to fulfilling your dreams, you begin to act with more discipline. And when you have consistent discipline, you start to get massive results.

But you have to try to figure out where in your life you need to be disciplined. For example, if you are starting your own blog, you must manage your time to write blog posts and design the site.

To achieve the desired success, you have to be ready to give up the habit of your old habits.

Final Note

The first step in dealing with uncertainty is to start taking action. Taking an action gives you a chance to know if what you have decided is right for you, or not.

In the beginning, every task seems difficult, but only after overcoming difficulties to achieve our goal, do we have lasting success.

We are never able to move forward because of the initial uncertainty about our work, and we keep wandering here and there. But after deciding on any task, we should put aside all uncertainty about it, and focus only on the effort so that we can get the best results.

Thank you for reading my article.