Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How to become your best self?

How to become your best self? here are 11 helpful tips for improving yourself

Improving yourself

Every human being in this world keeps looking for flaws in each others. Every human being thinks that other people should correct their shortcomings, and give up their bad habits, and focus on their good. But I think that

"If everyone in this world started focusing on improving themselves, everyone would be better off."

With this, over time, we must focus on the development of our personality and character so that we do not lag behind. We must keep upgrading ourselves over time. At this point, the only question on everyone's mind is how to become a better version of yourself. Let's try to find the answer to this question together

Time affects every human being and everything in two ways. For example, some things get old and rotten over time, while some things always retain their original luster. In the same way, some people get tired of life and themselves over time. And because of the changing circumstances, some people become weak not only physically but also mentally, while on the other hand there are many people who become more attractive and strong with the passage of time.

That is why every human being should bring improvements in himself as time goes by. And he should try to change himself according to the time, and keep trying to upgrade himself according to the new time and circumstances so that time does not make you weak or disappointed.

Let's look at some of the ways in which we can improve ourselves and shape our lives

1- Think positive 

Among the negative aspects of our personality, our negative thinking pushes our personality towards destruction first. The development of a person's personality and character depends most on his thinking and way of thinking. As time goes by, every human being should try to improve his thinking.

Man cannot be defeated by any situation as long as he persists in his positive thinking. As time goes by, man gets lost in depressing thoughts due to the bitterness and difficult circumstances of his life. But these thoughts make a person dull day by day.  We need to adopt positive thinking to protect ourselves from falling. And we need to improve our thinking to improve ourselves also. Over time, we should develop our way of thinking. We should review our point of view and the theory of thinking, and wherever we see negativity or weakness in our thinking, we should try to improve it.

2- Motivate yourself

Frustration and despair prevent us from striving for improvement. Motivation proves to be a source of encouragement for human beings. When circumstances are not in accordance with human thinking, only motivation keeps a person steadfast.

Motivation in the most difficult situations keeps a person hopeful. In order to motivate ourselves, we should read aloud the motivational quotes. We should also listen to the great motivational speakers.  

Man should keep himself motivated on the path of life in spite of every difficulty and every obstacle.

3- Spend time with yourself

Improving ourselves requires that we spend time with ourselves and listen to ourselves. Unless a person gives himself time, he will certainly not be able to focus on improving himself. And it's important to focus on yourself to be the best person you can be.

Take time out of your busy schedule to focus on your personality. Never forget yourself in the pursuit of vain desires. Spend time on yourself so that you can get a sustainable investment in the form of your best self.

4- Improve your attitude

Our attitudes have a profound effect on our personality. And the people around us are affected by our attitudes. To improve ourselves, we need to rethink our attitudes.

Sometimes, in some cases, our negative attitude can make things worse for us. On the other hand, our positive behavior can make difficult situations better for us.

 Our positive attitude plays an important role in improving and strengthening our personality.

5- Use your time wisely

How do you spend your time? Try to find the answer to this question, because how we spend our time is important for the betterment of our personality. 

Don't waste your time on useless things. Spend most of your time in activities that will put you in the best shape of yourself. When you have a lot of tasks, arrange them according to your time so that you can complete all your tasks in an organized manner. Man's personality become organized by spending time in a better way. Time management skills are very important to improve yourself.

6- Discover your strengths

Sometimes a person feels very weak not only physically but also mentally, which makes his performance very disappointing in all kinds of matters.

But even in difficult situations, man must learn to be strong. Explore your mental strength to handle emotional fluctuations. We need to explore those aspects of our personality that we have a good grasp of. Every human being has some weaknesses and some strengths. But in order to improve ourselves, we must discover our strengths as opposed to our every weakness.

7- Let go of the past

To become better version of ourselves, it is necessary to forget the past and move forward. Because man cannot improve himself unless he moves from the past to the future.

The past is a lesson for every human being. We need to learn from the mistakes of our past and think about improving ourselves as well as our future.

8- Learn to overcome your fears

There is no doubt that fear is a natural phenomenon.  All human beings in this world suffer from some form of fear.

But to improve ourselves, it is necessary that we learn to overcome our inner fear. Because until we learn to overcome our own fear, our fear will continue to weaken us.

9- Adopt a habit of grattittude

By adopting the habit of gratitude, man learns to be satisfied with his present situation. But if a person does not have the habit of giving thanks, he is always disgusted with his condition, and this disgust never lets him get better.

Many people are greedy for more and more despite pursuing their goals and fulfilling their desires. But those who have the habit of giving thanks say that "money cannot buy happiness". That is, they do not put money and desires at the top of their priorities. Such people are mentally calm.

10- Replace bad habits with good ones

There is no doubt that good or bad habits of a person play an important role in shaping his personality and character. If you want to improve yourself, look at your habits.

The things you do every day shape your life. Bad habits push you back while good habits take you to the best of your personality. So replace your bad habits with good ones so that you can improve yourself.

11- keep learning

The best way to improve yourself is to keep learning.  Learning is a part of human life. Man learns from all kinds of situations. With this, reading a good book every day or looking at an occasional documentary opens a person's mind and increases his knowledge.

Man should acquire knowledge because knowledge is power. Learning is an important process for your mental growth. The process of learning helps a person to improve himself.

Wrapping Up

You will definitely have more success, achievements and accomplishments to record, the moment you become your best self. You only need to follow a few things and a few steps daily.

The process of human improvement begins with his birth. The purpose of every human life is to follow God's commands and try to avoid Satan's temptations.

"Man becomes the best of himself by steadfastly running his personality on the path of goodness between the good and bad aspects of this world as well as between the good and bad aspects of his life."