Thursday, March 25, 2021

How to overcome fear?

Ten ways to fight your fears

Overcome fear

Fear is a natural human emotion. Fear is one of the seven universal emotions that everyone around the world has experienced. Fear arises from the risk of harm, physical, emotional, or psychological, real or imagined.

Fear is normal. You may experience fear when you drive for the first time or when you start a new job.  However, when fears begin to take over your life and affect your work, they become a problem. If you feel excessive fear, the anxiety caused by the fear may interfere with your ability to work, and you may experience severe anxiety or panic. Consider your fears, and see how they affect your life. Are your fears preventing you from moving on with your life?

The human mind creates fear. We also use a lot of imagination to create fear. And we begin to see the color of fear in these imaginations. Because we begin to evaluate our lives by placing ourselves on the scales of reality and dreams, but when the fear of failure begins to overwhelm the desire for success, the scales of our lives begin to lean towards the fearful situation. And different questions start to arise in our minds, the business I am doing, what if there is a loss? What happens if I lose my job? I have a lot of money, what would happen if someone was caught cheating? Thousands of such fears arise in our minds every day. 

Most of the fears that we create in our minds have no reality. Ask yourself questions or look at your past life to see how many fears you have created, and how many of these fears are in front of you in practice. For example, if you had created five hundred fears in yourself, four hundred and ninety of them would not have appeared in practice. Think about how much energy you wasted on the 490 fears you created. 

How much sorrow and grief did you endure? This means that basically there is no such thing as fear, but people create fear themselves. If you feel that you have some kind of fear in your life, career, or relationships, get rid of that fear, fight it, and start a new life by winning. 

We can give you some guidance in this regard

1- Make time for yourself

When you face any kind of fear or anxiety, you find it difficult to control your thoughts. First of all, make time for yourself so that you can be physically calm. 

Take a 15-minute walk outside, turn to God and discuss your troubles with God. Because every human being believes that the power that controls his life has a solution to every problem of his life.

So separate yourself from the world and connect with God for a while. And spend your time with yourself and God. Doing so will take away your worries.

2- Take a deep breath

If your heart starts beating fast or your palms start sweating, then you can't fight your fear. It is better to stop where you are and try to control your nervousness without distracting yourself. To do this, place your palm on your stomach and take a deep breath.  Repeating this process several times helps you overcome yourself and overcome fear.

3- Face the fear

Generally, a person is afraid of anything that could harm him in any way. For example, the fear of falling off a motorcycle before riding. But to get out of every kind of fear, you need to face that fear. Because sometimes our fears aren't as harmful as we think.

You have often seen in horror movies that when people are afraid of some supernatural force, they overwhelm them, but when people try to face this fear, they manage to get rid of it.

Whatever your fears are, if you face them, they will gradually disappear. For example, if you are nervous about going to the elevator one day, it is better to go back to the elevator the next day.

4- Imagine the worst-case scenario

Try to imagine the worst-case scenario you could possibly face. By doing this you will be ready to face any kind of fear ahead of time. In fact, the more fear we have, the more it grows. If you cope with your fears, they will go away on their own. And it will save you from panic in the worst kind of situation.

5- Try to know the truth

Facing reality sometimes helps to counteract horrible thoughts. Sometimes a man is afraid to face most realities. Because man likes to live in his imaginary world, whereas on the contrary many times some realities are different from human imagination.

And man is afraid that he may face bitter realities and this thought often makes man restless.

That's why you should show realism even in difficult and worst situations so that you can get out of difficulties, and get rid of fear. Whenever you face a terrible situation, don't wait for a hero, but stay calm and think about how to get out of that situation.

6- Life is not perfect

Life is full of worries and we are all trying to make our lives perfect. In life we ​​face both good and bad situations, we have to face these situations whether we like it or not.

If we put the fear of bad days aside and face the current situation, our bad days will also pass well.

7- Imagine the beautiful scenery

Close your eyes and imagine a quiet and safe place. The idea may be to walk on a beautiful beach or it may be a fun childhood memory or a memorable moment spent with your loved ones. All these positive thoughts will bring you peace and tranquility and reduce your fears.

8- Talking about fear

If you are afraid of something, expressing it to your friend or family member can help you overcome that fear. If you can't talk to a partner, friend, or family member, then talk to yourself. Talk, stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you have no fear of anything and you can deal with it. You can also contact a psychologist to overcome the fear.

9- Go back to the basics

Some people resort to drugs to deal with anxiety and fear, but this only makes matters worse. Simple and everyday things like a good night's sleep, healthy eating, and walking are the best cures for fear and anxiety.

10- Reward yourself

When you succeed in overcoming fear, celebrate it. You should go out to eat, buy a book or a small gift or do something that makes you happy.


Fear is such emotion, if we do not learn to control it at the right time, it can take over us in different forms, for example, because of fear, man is always surrounded by different thoughts. And it causes man constant anxiety and restlessness. And because of this, a lot of people get depressed.

It is very important to follow the above-mentioned factors to overcome the fear. And to overcome the fear, it is necessary to change your way of thinking and focus on the positive aspects rather than focusing on the negative aspects in every situation of life.

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